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Year of the Pig

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Year of the Pig

Captured achievement in Overwatch 2


Capture a flag in a game of Capture the Flag.

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How to unlock the Captured achievement

  • BlazeFlareonBlazeFlareon
    25 Jan 2019 25 Jan 2019 18 Mar 2020
    This achievement is really self explanatory and shouldn't be hard at all if you are familiar with Overwatch's maps and characters. The flag is instantly picked up when getting to it at its original base but takes a few seconds to be unlocked again if it was dropped by a fellow teammate. I recommend working with your team to be to at least clear most if not all of the enemy team and get them away from their flag and return to your base quickly. I also recommend using a quick character so you can get in and get out of the area as quick as possible. These include but not limited to Tracer (who I recommend the most), Genji, Lucio, Soldier 76 and Sombra, but you can use anyone if you play smart, like using Winston's jump correctly.

    EDIT: If you use movement based abilities such as Tracer's warp or Soldier's sprint, it will cause you to drop the flag (Thanks to SergeantMajorAj for the tip). Tanks can also work well as they can take a lot of damage like what HUN playmore stated in the comments. If anyone has anymore useful tips, post them in the comments and I'll be glad to update this.

    Some notes:
    - You can only get this achievement during the Chinese New Year events, which happens usually every year from late January to mid February.
    EDIT: Capture the Flag is now available outside the CNY events.
    - This can be unlocked in either the normal CTF events or the competitive one.
    Showing all 4 comments. Leave a comment.
    SergeantMajorAJWhile I agree about using quick characters, you may want to add that using movement assisting abilities will force a flag drop, as will loosing your meka if you are D.Va. Side note I got this with Mei, used blizzard on the flag and the wall when ever possible to shield myself :)
    Posted by SergeantMajorAJ on 25 Jan 19 at 04:26
    BlazeFlareonThanks Aj, will definitely add, I knew there was a reason I dropped the flag one time lol
    Posted by BlazeFlareon on 25 Jan 19 at 05:57
    HUN playmoreThe easiest character for this (in an uncoordinated setting) is Roadhog. Not many thing can stop him from walking in and picking up the flag. Although if you play the game mode you will eventually get a match where your team stomps and you can do whatever you want. In that case a faster character can be more useful to pick up the flag before your teammates.
    Posted by HUN playmore on 25 Jan 19 at 07:16
    MercadoJust got this achievement in an Arcade CTF mode. Both this and the solution for the other achievement said you can only get it in the event CTFs and that's not true. The arcade modes rotate on a daily and weekly basis and today I got these achievements in CTF one map only mode that is available for today.
    As for this achievement, I followed your suggestion of using Tracer, and timed it so I could get and capture the flag while my teammates were killing the enemies so I have no problem.
    Posted by Mercado on 09 Dec 19 at 04:01
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