The King's Bird

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The Way It Was, Not Long Ago achievement in The King's Bird

The Way It Was, Not Long Ago

Restore the Barrier and usher in a new era of peace

The Way It Was, Not Long Ago0
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How to unlock the The Way It Was, Not Long Ago achievement

  • LifeExpectancyLifeExpectancy
    30 Dec 2019 30 Dec 2019
    This is one of two ending achievements. Don't sweat about a 2nd playthrough as you can just replay the last boss. After the final battle you will need to press cn_X in front of either the left or right mural. This achievement is for the Right mural. Once unlocked simply reload your save and go over to the eagle shrine on the right, then to the far right side for two shrines, the left of which is the final battle. Replay the final battle and choose the opposite mural for the other achievement.
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