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Cycle achievement in MLB Stickball


Hit for the cycle with one player in tour mode.


How to unlock the Cycle achievement

  • pharohfredpharohfred
    26 Sep 2010 14 Sep 2010
    Ok, a cycle is as Lawl PwNeD described. However, for this achievement your team (collectively) has to hit for the cycle. So as long as you have at least 1 single, double, triple, and home run - regardless of who hit them or in what order - then you unlock the achievement.
    I would also recommend that you try the Chicago neighborhood as extra base hits are easy to come by. Hitting the ice cream truck/van, bouncing the ball over the fence, or bouncing into the back three houses will net you a double. Hitting the red garage doors on the back left and back right houses or hitting the houses on the fly will net you a triple. Needless to say, a home run is awarded when you knock the ball over the houses and fence in the air.
    If you vote negatively, please leave feedback so that I can fix the solution.
    Showing all 4 comments. Leave a comment.
    Homunculus Furyi just did this the last game and it didn't unlock.
    Posted by Homunculus Fury on 22 May 11 at 00:03
    ShaneKarmaIt probably should also be said that the achievement doesn't pop until during the score screen following the game and not in-game. Also just like Pharoh said it is kind of misleading in the achievement description where it says "one player". While baseball fans know a cycle is not a team event only a single player, the achieve in this game is for a "team cycle" which in real life isn't a stat that is recognized nor should it be. Which is why I would reset it like a dumbass when I saw one of my 4 players wasn't getting a cycle! Thank you Pharohfred!!! Thumbs way up!
    Posted by ShaneKarma on 25 Mar 12 at 20:01
    MattiasAndersonAlso did this and no achievement. (I believe I missed the part saying tour mode)
    Posted by MattiasAnderson on 23 Dec 21 at 04:51
    MattiasAndersonIn tour mode! Just did one of each in Chicago! No achievement! It has to be with the same player for sure. That´s why I have to negative vote this one. (Or it has to be in the same what do you call it? Inning?).

    Did it in one inning or whatever and got no achievement! Lost the match though!

    I have came to the conclusion that the guide is wrong! You have to do it with one player just like the achievement say.

    EDIT: Could also be that it has to be a player with a name and not someone named contact hitter etc. (So if you use for example 4 named players and they together get all the four it might count).
    Posted by MattiasAnderson on 20 Aug 22 at 15:57
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