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Card Collector achievement in MLB Stickball

Card Collector

Collect all 120 MLB® baseball cards.

Card Collector0

How to unlock the Card Collector achievement

  • pharohfredpharohfred
    16 Sep 2010 16 Sep 2010
    The easiest way to get points is to play 3 inning exhibition games against a second controller and having them lob you pitches. This will help in getting the hit x in x achievements, plus you get 5 points per strikeout (45 in a game) and 25 points for winning the game. As far as trading cards go, I would wait until you have at least 100/120, preferably 110/120 that way your odds of trading 3 cards in for 1, and then getting 3 of them in your next couple of packs is greatly reduced.
    Showing both comments. Leave a comment.
    KinectKid333For anybody confused about what a gold card is, one gold card represents 5 normal cards of that player. If you had one gold card of a player and hit trade, you will end up with 2 normal cards of the player who had the gold card and one card of whichever player you chose to receive.
    Posted by KinectKid333 on 04 Feb 19 at 00:32
    MattiasAndersonHow to trade?
    Posted by MattiasAnderson on 23 Dec 21 at 05:17
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