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Zone and Sweep achievement in Shellshock 2: Blood Trails

Zone and Sweep

Complete Mission 9 on Hard

Zone and Sweep0

How to unlock the Zone and Sweep achievement

    01 Sep 2013 01 Sep 2013 25 Mar 2018
    If you're having trouble with the confusing part in the village here is a little walkthrough for the optimum route. If you're having trouble with the machete guy at the end scroll down for a solution.

    If you keep going the wrong way through the village you will encounter many dead ends and endless infected, follow this route for the right way:

    After you crash in the helo, head down the stairs and grab the shotgun, make your way to the village and you'll grapple with an infected who'll push you over the balcony into the dangerous ground area. After you beat the quick time event run directly for the ladder over to your right. Head up and kill the infected that bursts through the door then go through the hut dropping down onto some boards.

    Cross the plank and take out the infected who jumps through the window, don't bother with the hoards that will now attack, instead vault with cn_Y into that window. Grab the shotgun ammo and grenades in the corner then cross another plank to meet a friendly soldier.

    Vault out of the next window and look on your immediate up and left you'll see a human torso hanging from a ladder right next to you, blow it away and head up the ladder. You'll encounter another grapple at the top, beat the sequence and head over the planks, watch behind you as an infected will attack.

    Now continue across the rooftops over the planks on your left then through the hut, kill the infected and vault through the window. Complete another QTE on the corner then head over the plank.

    Now before you have to go down on the ground and fight the infected, blow up some barrels around them and throw down a few grenades. Kill as many as possible from safety before dropping down and heading for the small ladder on your left, (or if you feel lucky make a quick dash for it).

    Go left around the corner and along the walkway, kill the infected that bursts out the door then head right up the stairs. Quickly go around the hut on your left and up the ladder there. Cross the rooftops and straight ahead for the door on your left, frag the infected feasting on the corpse and run up the ramps to the roof. Go out along the planks and take care of the 4-6 infected hanging around the stone area.

    Go down through one of the dark doors at the end of the courtyard and through the tunnel on your right, you'll encounter up to 8 infected here so take your time and blow their heads off. Head up the ladders, at the top of the third ladder get your machete out for a boss encounter.

    For the Dual-wielding Machete Boss

    Don't bother shooting him it's just too bothersome, instead go right up to him with your machete and slowly circle him while tapping the cn_RT. He may get a hit on you but just keep circling him and slashing at him, he'll fall after about 30-40 seconds. Once he falls run straight up the ladder avoiding the infected guy for the end of the level.
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