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Gourmet achievement in Deponia


A true gourmet is not afraid to try something new!


How to unlock the Gourmet achievement

  • angelskangelsk
    30 Apr 2019 03 May 2019
    12 0 0
    Chapter 3. In the starting candy machine.

    Anchovy: cn_A on the machine on the right and pick up an anchovy on a stick. Select it in your inventory and interact with it to eat it. You get a stick.

    Cotton Candy: The machine in the middle, cn_A the green thing just to the left of it to plug it in. Use the stick with the cotton candy dispenser to get plain cotton candy. Select it in your inventory and interact with it to eat it. You get your stick back. Use the lever on the left of the machine to change it to Calzone flavoured. Repeat stick and eat. Then hit the lever one more time to switch to Phosphorus flavour. Repeat stick and eat.

    Chewing Gum: The machine on the left by the door. cn_A to get chewing gum. Select it in your inventory and interact with it to eat it.
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