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History of Deponia achievement in Deponia

History of Deponia

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History of Deponia0

How to unlock the History of Deponia achievement

  • angelskangelsk
    02 May 2019 03 May 2019
    In Chapter 3, you need to view the lit mural windows in order - downstairs, upstairs left, upstairs right.

    You need two things:
    * Phosphorus cotton candy
    * Soapy mop

    In your starting room you need to turn on the cotton candy machine (Middle machine, plug behind the green thing to the left), then switch to the Phosphorus candy (green) with the switch on the left. Grab an anchovy on a stick from the right machine, then eat it to get a stick. Use the stick with the cotton candy dispenser to get Phosphorus cotton candy. Go out of the candy room, and upstairs at the back. Use the Phosphorus cotton candy with the light to charge it.

    Exit to the right to get to the lift. Open the hatch on the right of the lift and pick up the mop, bucket and soap. Go back downstairs, and exit to the left outside. Go round to the water on the right. Use the bucket with the barrel of water. Open your inventory. Combine the bucket of water with the soap, then that with the mop to get a soapy mop.

    Re-enter the building. On the first mural, open the hatch. Use the Phosphorus cotton candy with the hatch to illuminate it. Press cn_X to view the mural (1). Go upstairs. Repeat with the mural on the left (2). Then use the soapy mop with the dirty mural on the right, repeat the cotton candy steps and view the final mural (3).
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