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Hussa - The Chorus-Guys Rule! achievement in Deponia

Hussa - The Chorus-Guys Rule!

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Hussa - The Chorus-Guys Rule!0

How to unlock the Hussa - The Chorus-Guys Rule! achievement

  • TheWelshHuntTheWelshHunt
    03 Aug 2021 05 Oct 2021 05 Oct 2021
    Here is my 100% Achievement guide for Deponia!

    Great game, and in terms of "Drogglejug" Achievement where you have to play through the whole game with droggeljug mode on.
    You don't! At the beginning, you will see i go into options and turn language option to the british (Or american) Flag WITHOUT The little character!
    Play through the game, then as you progress near the end of the game:-

    *** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

    After you beat the game, reload your last save, turn on droggeljug mode and that achievement unlocks.

    Just incase you were wondering if you had to play through the whole thing (Annoying as it is)

    Otherwise, hope this helps and timestamps will be below the video :)

    Act 1 Start - 1:30
    1. Kindergarten - 1:35 Start/3:35 Finish
    2. Brushhunter - 6:10 Start/9:40 Finish
    3. Bullseye - 15:30
    4. Demolition Expert - 36:45 Start/38:50 Finish
    5. Stand In Waiter - 24:10 Start/50:35
    6. That Seems About Right... - 58:10
    7. Missing Postage - 59:50
    8. Hussa - Whos Gonna Care? - 1:13:10

    Act 2 Start - 1:13:10
    9. DIY'er - 1:18:30
    10. Newton Would Be Proud - 1:18:30 Start/1:26:30 Finish
    11. Master Of Switches - 1:31:10
    12. Hussa - Get On With The Plot! - 1:33:00

    Act 3 Start - 1:33:00
    13. Gourmet - 1:33:00 Start/1:37:05 Finish
    14. Lever Lover - 1:33:40
    15. History Of Deponia - 1:37:55 Start/1:42:00
    16. Paradox - 1:39:50
    17. Loving The Truth - 2:05:50
    18. Hussa - The Chorus-Guys Rules! - 2:10:10
    19. Droggeljug - 2:10:40 Start/2:16:25
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