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First full combo on Expert achievement in Dance Dance Revolution Universe 3

First full combo on Expert

Pull off a full combo on Expert!

First full combo on Expert0

How to unlock the First full combo on Expert achievement

  • SunshineBunny3SunshineBunny3
    06 Jan 2011 09 Jan 2011
    Though it is possible for a good DDR player to achieve this using a standard dance pad (go into the controller options and turn off ABXY for dance pads for a minimum of ghosting), people hoping to get this achievement quickly may be inclined to use a controller.

    Change the timing if need be, and pick a fairly simple song.

    I was able to achieve this using the controller before I discovered I could turn the abxy off on my dance pad, on the song Kind Lady (one of my favorites and no really tricky sequences).

    No Turbo neccesary, and it only took 2 passes through the song.

    Good luck and have fun dancing!
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