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First grade AAA achievement in Dance Dance Revolution Universe 3

First grade AAA

Get a first grade AAA!

First grade AAA0

How to unlock the First grade AAA achievement

  • CMorriguCMorrigu
    24 Apr 2009 24 Apr 2009
    AAA means that you need to have a very high percentage of steps Marvelous and Perfect and very few Greats, nothing below that. Full combo with precision, basically.

    I got this on the Devo song (Watch Us Work It ) with 96 Marvelous, 35 Perfect, 3 Greats on Basic.

    Hold down A when you select a song to bring up the options and tweak the settings - particularly the speed multiplier - to what helps you nail the steps. I play better when it is faster, so I generally use 1.5x and Boost or 2x.

    It also may help to turn off the announcer, lyrics, and dancers as well as turn the background brightness way down in the options. This provides less distractions while playing, and can help focus on the steps.
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    RadicalSniper99Followed the tips you used CMorrigu, but I used the song 30 Lives instead. Took a couple of tries and I turned the speed up to 2x.

    I think there needs to be less Perfects and more Marvelous steps as well. I think it has less of a negative effect than the Great, but it seems to be slightly less than the value for Marvelous.
    Posted by RadicalSniper99 on 15 Nov 13 at 04:48
    GAM3RJETFinally unlocked this achievement! Using this solution works, however, I set it to a speed of 3, boost off. Play it on Basic.

    I scored 104 Marvelous, 26 Perfect, 4 Greats at a score of 992,927.
    Posted by GAM3RJET on 10 Feb 14 at 04:01
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