Underworld Ascendant

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Four Runestone Spell achievement in Underworld Ascendant

Four Runestone Spell

Cast a spell with 4 runes.

Four Runestone Spell-26.0

How to unlock the Four Runestone Spell achievement

  • Z792Z792
    27 Mar 2022 28 Mar 2022 28 Mar 2022
    Before you can unlock this, you'll need the following skills in the Magic tree:
    Mage Sight -> Enchanter -> Dread Warlock -> Able Sorcerer + Runic Mastery

    Then, create the following spell using runes: ᛒᛉᚢᛏ

    There are likely other combinations available, but I haven't found any that work. By the time you have enough skill points and enough days have passed to unlock the skills, you'll likely have all the runes required. If you can't unlock the skills, keep playing and doing main missions/faction quests - eventually they will become available.
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