Underworld Ascendant

Underworld Ascendant

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Windfall achievement in Underworld Ascendant


Make a 5000-silver piece sale to Aelita.


How to unlock the Windfall achievement

  • Z792Z792
    27 Mar 2022 28 Mar 2022 28 Mar 2022
    At the beginning of the game, I was hording Ripper Burls and throwing knives in my stash to sell all at once for this achievement. Don't do that.

    Towards the end of the game, you'll start finding wands worth 2,500, rings worth 5,000, and weapons with a value in-between. Keep in mind, whatever value is shown, Aelita will give you 50% - so you'll need two items worth 5,000 for example. The red chests have the best loot, and you'll be drowning in money and valuable items by the endgame.

    NOTE: Aelita only ever had <1,500 silver at a time for me. You will likely have to purchase something for >5,000 silver, unlocking this:
    Underworld AscendantBig SpenderThe Big Spender achievement in Underworld Ascendant worth 468 pointsMake a 5000-silver piece purchase from Aelita.

    Then, she'll have enough silver to buy from you.
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