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Bulbtastic! achievement in Bear With Me: The Lost Robots


Bulby needs to get some things off his chest.


How to unlock the Bulbtastic! achievement

  • MichalKVMichalKV
    18 Sep 2019 19 Sep 2019
    When you get to the Illuminarium factory for the first time, there will be a figure on the right side of the desk. Before doing anything else interact with him 4 times. You will know that you did it right, because he will say something very interesting when you click him for the 4th time.
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    Netechmaif someone doesn't mind shooting me a message to help with this next achievement in the walkthrough - when I try to attach 'set of cables' to the 'robot assembly' it wont let me -the character says 'that doesn't need cables' but the walkthrough says otherwise and when I try to skip this item to attach 'Glassh eye covers' the character says I need some sort of cables to connect them...
    Posted by Netechma on 03 May 21 at 14:56
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