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Untouchable achievement in Whipseey and the Lost Atlas


Clear any level without taking damage.


How to unlock the Untouchable achievement

  • RadicalSniper99RadicalSniper99
    02 Sep 2019 03 Sep 2019
    Ok. This will come down to personal preference a bit, but I'll give some thoughts on which levels are "best" or why other levels are "bad".

    Level 1
    The only problem I have here is the Jellyfish boss. I thought the level itself was the most straightforward (besides some of the projectile enemies), but the boss I was a little unsure of. I think with practice this could be the easiest combination.

    Level 2
    This is the level I did it on. The boss can be annoying, but I found the level to be the most consistent. Just be careful on the electric enemies. I found jumping on them and then whipping was best, but it takes some practice to get the timing right.

    Level 3
    Easiest boss, but worst approach. The two sections that make this a bad choice are the sombrero enemies and the helicopter hat enemies. I could manage the sombrero enemies, but the helicopter jumps were inconsistent at best. If you're good at that, then go for it, but otherwise I'd skip this one.

    Level 4
    Not bad, but the autoscrolling train section moved too quick for me to get it consistent. What makes a lot of the levels easier is that it's at your own pace. That autoscroll removes that safety. Boss is easy though to do damageless.

    Level 5
    Nope. Boss is hard to do without taking a hit already and the level itself has a few bad sections with trying to avoid fireballs. Also, I found that one of the jumps I kept bonking my head on the ceiling and dying. Overall this is a terrible level to attempt. Probably the hardest for this achievement out of all of them.

    Overall, either Level 1 or 2 will be your best bet. Will probably take some practice, but with a bit of time, definitely doable.
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    HanxWhy do I find this so difficult? Lol
    Posted by Hanx on 11 Nov 21 at 05:47
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