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Event Horizon achievement in Overwatch 2

Event Horizon

Get 3 killing blows during a single use of Sigma's Gravitic Flux in Quick or Competitive Play.

Event Horizon0
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How to unlock the Event Horizon achievement

  • DriveLanderDriveLander
    06 Nov 2022 07 Nov 2022 19 Jan 2023
    to get this achievement you need to get Killing blows with your ultimate Gravitic Flux
    the way i got it is when the enemy team is injured from defending the king of the hill pop it or when they are regrouping while critically injured,
    but you just need to get the killing blow so even if you kill someone with the ultimate with out slamming them onto the ground it will count so if you play the objective you can get this if the enemy team doesnt have a healer or a good one, but watch the enemies health if they look low enough for it then pop it, but say if the enemies still have health on them? use your balls to injure them just a slight amount the catch is that there is a small window for you to hit your shot with the balls before it ends and you can let your team mates injure them up in the air before it ends but just hope they dont get the kill credit
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    Maka91I was just able to get it with 2 killing blows and then killing reaper IMMEDIATELY after the ultimate using my regular attack. Reaper did lose 75%+ of his health during the ultimate though.
    Posted by Maka91 on 12 Nov 22 at 21:48
    FxH FinalI did like Maka91 said, but no achievement. It seems you must get 3 killing blows with the ultimate now
    Posted by FxH Final on 10 Feb 23 at 09:52
    speardropsThis one is tough. One of two tank achievements I have left. Let me know of any tips.
    Posted by speardrops on 05 Mar at 04:37
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