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Cerberus achievement in FFVIII


Unlock Guardian Force Cerberus


How to unlock the Cerberus achievement

  • SlightlyEroticSlightlyErotic
    04 Sep 2019 03 Sep 2019 14 Sep 2019
    ####reports of achievements not unlocking. Save your game first before attempting to meet the criteria and please comment before continuing and please comment before voting negative if it struggles to unlock####

    Somewhat missable cheev.

    When you make an attack on Galbadia Garden, you will work your way inside to the centre of the garden. There will be a three headed hound with a massive tail. Simply approach and interact with it and win the battle.

    Alternatively if you want to avoid the battle, or you have missed Cerberus, it can be drawn from Gargantua in the final dungeon during ultamicas castle
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