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Obel Lake Secret achievement in FFVIII

Obel Lake Secret

Complete the Obel Lake side quest

Obel Lake Secret-1.0

How to unlock the Obel Lake Secret achievement

  • local bellboylocal bellboy
    25 Nov 2020 25 Nov 2020 25 Nov 2020
    30 40 7
    So this isn't so much a guide as it is advice where to find a good guide. I'm only posting this since there is nothing here, and the first guide I followed didn't get the achievement to pop.

    As I've played through the remastered versions of FF7, FF8, and FF9, I've found myself using the guides at for them on each game. They are pretty easy to navigate for achievement hunting, even though the guides are written for the game and not achievements. Anyways, if you are like me and were using that guide for Obel Lake, the achievement won't pop until you pick up BOTH the Three Stars item and the Luck-J Scroll. True Achievements has a Steam site that has a wonderful guide there to follow, which I will link below. All credit to the author - DarkDan88

    Showing all 7 comments. Leave a comment.
    local bellboymade me laugh to check this and see only downvotes and zero comments lol. Is it seriously because I link the actual guide instead of copy/paste? If this is only making people upset I can remove it. I only put it up since there was nothing here

    EDIT: Thanks for the thumbs up love. Either up or down, you are reading my guides and I appreciate that - but if you choose to thumbs down something I (or anyone else) post, at least do me the courtesy of commenting what your reason was. That way I'm able to improve the post if I missed something. Obviously this one I chose not to plagiarize someone else's work and linked it instead, which I think is why some people downvoted, but it does help everyone to let us know why a downvote is cast. Anyone who creates a guide here is just trying to help out fellow gamers, and if we can improve the guide just let us know in the comments smile
    Posted by local bellboy on 01 Dec 20 at 05:05
    Hank Scorpio XLNothing wrong with the guide here, but for those of you chasing this one, be prepared for some serious frustration. The Mordred Plains portion of this is one of the worst side quests I’ve done in recent memory.

    Good luck!
    Posted by Hank Scorpio XL on 21 Dec 20 at 06:28
    local bellboyThanks Hank Scorpio, I would agree. This one was definitely more of a hassle than it needed to be in my opinion.
    Posted by local bellboy on 31 Dec 20 at 07:39
    TheOnlyMattoappreciate the link and not stealing credit. no need to thumbs down. this game is just aggravating with the unnecessary side quests (esp since most are buggy)
    Posted by TheOnlyMatto on 14 Nov 21 at 03:18
    Oncogene27Oh hellll no
    Posted by Oncogene27 on 25 Sep 22 at 16:45
    VegovasFound j scroll 5 x now wirh re loading saves ans no achivement why??
    Posted by Vegovas on 09 Nov 23 at 13:46
    VegovasGot it was missing three stars 2 down 2 to go
    Posted by Vegovas on 09 Nov 23 at 13:57
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