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1000 Kills achievement in FFVIII

1000 Kills

Kill 1000 enemies

1000 Kills0

How to unlock the 1000 Kills achievement

  • Krisbud20Krisbud20
    11 Sep 2019 11 Sep 2019
    I found the best way to grind this achievement is in a forest Northwest of Dollet in the Hasberry Plains. The forest spawns a guaranteed 3 enemies that you can dispose of rather quickly if you’re grinding post game.

    Just keep 3x speed on and it shouldn’t be too long of a grind.
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    qManballinSpot worked flawlessly w/ Death attack status minus the damn Odin procs. For those worried about the monkey, consider progressing with the game until the 4th disc and I believe the monkey goes away once you come back to the "real world".

    *Edit* - For those wondering, I believe it needs to be on 1 save file. Tallied up all the kills on the info screen and the math checked out +/- a few kills. Made a 2nd file because I thought I missed something early on and probably got only 30 kills or so on the 1st file.
    Posted by qManballin on 02 Dec 20 at 04:05
    GoharothI'm the only one that prefer the small Cactuar island (where you find the G.F.)? They can flee, but no Odin procs, no monkey event, basically no attacks by the enemies, you get a lot of APs and basically no EXPs (so you can also get all the abilities without worries about level up your characters too much), and you can often find groups of three/four Cactuars. One hour to grind 500 kills, so max two hours to get the 1000 kills needed for this achievement.
    Posted by Goharoth on 10 Dec 20 at 22:30
    Wobblo@Goharoth Good spot, I found this much easier than dealing with the monkey prompts.
    Posted by Wobblo on 14 Dec 20 at 12:04
    The New WoberThe Achievement isn't popping for me, I have more than 1000 Kills with Squall ALONE.
    Every kill was done in the same playthrought, althought I used more than one save slot for the same playthrought. I also used "Battle Assistance" for a couple of kills so I don't know if those kills do count.
    I have to restart the game right??
    Did the Achievement popped exactly at 1000 kills for you???
    Posted by The New Wober on 07 Jan 21 at 22:48
    ELVIS3003Word of advice DON'T get Odin his KILLS DON'T COUNT! That save you couple of 30-40 fights.
    Place is spot on, every fight there are 3 enemies.
    I used battle assistance from the start.
    Posted by ELVIS3003 on 20 Jan 21 at 08:47
    Void7274Void@ELVIS3003 thanks you for that, I'm replaying the game on PC and thought Odin's kills counted toward the Achievement. Was going to ask so thank you !
    Posted by Void7274Void on 17 Apr 21 at 13:24
    TinzkiZiwaIf it helps anyone, here's some math to ballpark the time this achievement might take. (tl;dr, at the absolute most an hour and a half at the Hasberry monkey forest, assuming you are doing this in the endgame, and are starting from no kills which is obviously unlikely)


    If you are running around in the forest in Hasberry Plains where the monkey is, you get the guaranteed 3-enemy spawn. So that means you would have to do at most 334 battles, very generously assuming you killed no enemies to begin with. (1000/3 ~= 334)

    If it takes you 15 seconds to trigger and then finish each battle, which is reasonable enough on 3x speed and you are always opening with Rinoa's AOE Angelo Cannon limit break, then that means you could theoretically be spending about an hour and a half of nonstop grinding in the absolute worst case scenario (334 * 15 / 60 = 83.5 minutes).

    Note that I had junctioned 100 Ultimas to Rinoa's strength; plus, I gave Squall all of the ATK GF ability boosts and happened to have junctioned 100 Demis, so he could clean up the Anacondaurs and/or Wendigos that sometimes survived the Angelo Cannon.
    Posted by TinzkiZiwa on 29 Apr 21 at 22:55
    DiegoTanActually Odin kills do count. I got my achievement by him killing my last 3 enemies.
    Posted by DiegoTan on 10 Nov 21 at 21:59
    TheOnlyMattoThe cactus island using Rinoa angelo attack that hits all enemies is fastest if u ask me. I just hold to the right + cn_A kill them in a hit. This will prevent over leveling so you dont face the one boss who casts LV 5 Death (LV 100 is max so it would kill ur top 3 every time) + no monkey insulting u. 1-4 enemies that die in 2 seconds then on to the next group. GFs maxed out from AP gained. No Odin Procs
    Posted by TheOnlyMatto on 14 Nov 21 at 17:52
    SortedHurdle830I forgot to pick the battle meter, will the achievement pop without it?
    Posted by SortedHurdle830 on 06 Jan 24 at 00:24
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