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Magic Miner achievement in FFVIII

Magic Miner

Draw magic 100 times from draw points

Magic Miner0

How to unlock the Magic Miner achievement

  • GhostMaker mk3GhostMaker mk3
    08 Sep 2019 09 Sep 2019
    18 0 3
    If you are still missing this near the end of the game the Island Closest to Heaven has 35 hidden draw points containing high level magic and the Island Closest to Hell has 31. They are not all activated at the same time but can give you a boost towards completing this.
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    cheaterIf you try to draw magic from a mining spot while your party is full does it still count towards this achievement? If not, should i just keep my drawn reserves just a bit shy of being maxed out aside from ones used in junctioning for stats? I'm still early on in the game but i tend to never find magic draw points for magic i don't already have a ton of.
    Posted by cheater on 31 Oct 19 at 20:10
    Fug the PugYou can always just delete 1 of the spell (go into the magic menu and press x on it) and then draw it if you're full.
    Posted by Fug the Pug on 14 Feb 20 at 02:45
    DudS WbRYou can keep someone that's not in your party without magic. When you find a spot and you're full, transfer all of that magic type to that character, draw, transfer the magic back and delete the exceeding magic from the character outside the party.
    Posted by DudS WbR on 05 Feb at 21:51
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