####reports of achievements not unlocking. Save your game first before attempting to meet the criteria and please comment before continuing and please comment before voting negative if it struggles to unlock####
Requires Ragnarok
First step.
In the upper left corner of the world map is the deep sea research centre. You must land your space ship here.
When you enter is a large blue beam. If you move when it pulses you are forced to do battle.
Get to the end of the area and you will fight the Guardian Force bahamut; it will join your team upon winning the battle.
Now return to your ship. Leave, then re-enter. A hole will now appear where the first boss fight was.
Second step
When you have dealt with bahamut, you need to work your way down to the bottom opening a series of doors along the way using units of pressure. Eventually Zell will offer to open a door (make sure you take him with you). He will only offer once to open the door allowing entry so be cautious to refuse or back out. When you have got to the bottom you will fond the weapon. Simply fight, draw, and kill and the cheev is yours.
A fairly tough boss but no harm In going in for the cheev then backing out and loading last save as the cheev should pop as soon as you draw and receive the summon.
If you struggle on fighting this boss or working your way down, this may help.
https://uk.ign.com/wikis/final-fantasy-viii/Deep_Sea_Researc... If you are simply achievement hunting. You can skip this battle and just draw it from Tiamat during the end game at Ultamicias Castle. To get to Tiamat. Simply progress through until you start climbing the clock tower. When you see the swinging bell. Jump onto it. Fight Tiamat and draw this GF during the process