The achievement pops about halfway through the ending.
The final Ultimecia boss fight is no joke. I would say it is one of the tougher boss fights in a final fantasy.
First, all your abilities other than attack are locked when entering Ultimecia's castle. You have to go around solving puzzles and beating bosses to unlock them.
Assuming you unlock them all you are not able to use everything during the actual Ultimecia fight.
There are two ways to go around this.
1) Equip all characters evenly. Then during the Ultimecia fight activate Battle Assist and use limit breaks to destroy the boss and make yourself unkillable.
2) play it for real.
At the start of the fight Ultimecia picks 3 characters at random to fight against. This means you can either try and have everyone prepared, or have 3 characters with all of your best gear and 3 characters that are just there to die. I used Squall, Irvine and Quistis. You will need your characters to have a mix of magic, items and abilities like Treatment. Draw can be useful for the first form and the final form.
Treatment will cure all status ailments, including Doom, which the boss uses. Meltdown is a spell that reduces the bosses defense making her easier to damage. You can use it on all forms of the boss.
Ultimecia has 4 forms
Human form: She uses a variety of single Target and multitarget spells. You can draw reflect off of her to reflect her spells back. Her Malevolence spell hits all 3 characters for a lot of damage. It also casts a debuff that makes you unable to limit break. Treatment will cure it.
Griever: the second form is the GF that Squall's ring is based on. It will be named whatever you named Squalls ring. The biggest attack it does is Shockwave Pulsar which does a TON of damage to the party. It will also cast Doom on a character but that is what Treatment is for.
Ultimecia junctioned to Griever: this form has two parts to it. She will now instantly kill any GF if you attempt to use them. She will also summon a Helix. If she summons two Helixes she will use an attack called Great Attractor that has her slam 3 planets into your party. Once you do enough damage to her her lower half falls off and the fight keeps going. She will not use Great Attractor in this second part.
Ultimate Ultimecia: the 4th and final form will cast a spell called Hell's Judgement that will put you at 1 HP. This is great for limit breaks but you have to be revive characters when they die. Once she starts talking she is almost dead. You have to attack her to make her move on with the dialogue, and she will still attack you. Once she stops talking you will win.
There are a lot of guides out there for fighting this boss. There is no easy way other than using the Battle Assist. If you plan on doing it for reals come prepared.