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294 (14%)

For For-Profit Education! achievement in Cities: Skylines

For For-Profit Education!

Have one campus area with more than 5000 students and all upkeep costs covered by tuition fees.

For For-Profit Education!-1.0

How to unlock the For For-Profit Education! achievement

  • As R0me BurnsAs R0me Burns
    29 Sep 2019 29 Sep 2019 30 Sep 2019
    The key is making sure you have enough population ready to begin College.

    When I attempted this I did it on a map I had been working on, population was around 150k with sizable income and a good store of cash. Keep in mind as well that the more reputation your school has the more tuition you can make off the bonus.

    This was much easier by using the hadron collider to turn off elementary and high school education while the population built up with uneducated citizens. At this point I either deleted or turned off my education buildings.

    I then built a pretty big area for my first campus. You need to go ahead and start building one of each building anyways for another achievement and it helps with the attractiveness.

    When your campus capacity is enough to handle 5k students, turn off any campus policies and staff members. Anything that would suck up money.

    Make sure to check your info overview for education and keep any eye on the amount of eligible students.

    You should have enough uneducated population to now turn your hadron collider back on. After a couple of minutes your uneducated citizens will transition to college and once you get to 5k students turn the tuition policy on for the city and for your campus.

    Let me know if I can add anything. This was just the quickest way for me to grab it. I’ll revise this if I need to make it clearer. Please leave me any criticisms below so I can improve upon this. It’s the first solution I’ve done in some time.

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    As R0me BurnsHey ElDylto,

    You may need to try and delete the campus in it's entirety and create a fresh campus zone and remake it. Then unpause the game and that may help you get it to pop my friend.

    Let me know what you find out!
    Posted by As R0me Burns on 24 Mar 20 at 21:33
    Lord Midas13 dorms (399 students in each) = 5187
    This should cover 5,000 in each campus and go for the 15,000 overall student chv
    Posted by Lord Midas on 06 May 20 at 09:22
    ElDylto1612Got it eventually, i just did it in a completly new city!
    Posted by ElDylto1612 on 26 Oct 20 at 01:54
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
    Add a guide to share them with the community.

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  • AcaAca
    Locked 11 Nov 2023
    I was respecting the condition and it seemed bugged.

    Finally found out the solution thanks to reddit.

    I unlocked it by:
    • reducing academic staff to 0
    • reducing varsity sports to 0
    • cancelled all policies.
    Trophy popped immediately afterwards.
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