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294 (14%)

Education Nation achievement in Cities: Skylines

Education Nation

Have 15 000 students studying on campuses at the same time.

Education Nation0

How to unlock the Education Nation achievement

  • CjMAN911CjMAN911
    30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019 30 Nov 2019
    So after a lot of testing I think I've got a setup that always works!.

    +Start your city with education boost always on (this increases the budget by 25% but trust me, it's worth it)

    +Use a grid layout for your city and make sure to not mix building types. Keep your shops and industry separate from your housing (this comes into play later)

    +Make sure to build 2/3 elementary schools for every high school as your city expands. DO NOT BUILD ANY UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS!

    +Keep this format untill you reach 100k population, at least 30k eligible for university and you have 1.5 million currency saved


    Now for the achievement!
    +Pause the timer and remove ALL of your industry and shops (this is why the set-up is important). This will remove all job options for your residents

    +Mark the entire city as university campus and place enough dorm buildings for 20k students around any populated areas.At the same time scatter other campus buildings around to increase your campus attractiveness.

    +Finally turn on all campus policies.

    Once all of this has been done. Unpause the timer and watch the number rise! If this doesn't work, load your save and build up more potential students.

    If you have any questions please let me know before negative voting, good luck :)

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    dblouisdbHow do you get enough eligible students? I have 180k population and 23k in middle schoold, but students eligible for university is stuck at 6k.
    Posted by dblouisdb on 17 May 24 at 04:31
    HFD R3m0t3 j03Gram101216's Solution worked like a charm. had 195k population with 36k eligible. had put down about 30 dorms around the city and one of each campus buildings. also added all campus policies. dezoning just took 5min and i never even bothered to change taxes again
    Posted by HFD R3m0t3 j03 on 02 Aug 24 at 12:35
    IndigoSolaceAlso be sure to not have any libraries in your city, as they do provide a chance of providing a boost to highly educated, which is what citizens become post-university and you don't want that. I did mine with 85k pop and 30k eligible, I noticed that the eligibility spiked shortly after I had a decently sized death wave, probably had a lot of births and got them through elementary and high school quick enough. I never built any form of university at any point until I had sufficient population. I also tried this method out when I had 20k eligible, but I could only get to 9k enrolled as the lack of commercial and industry drove too many people away.

    EDIT: This isn't a fool proof plan though. I recently tried it out on the Remastered version as well, and for some reason, I could only top off at 8k enrolled, despite 100k population, 30k eligible, and no libraries or universities til I hit this mark. I wonder if Remastered has some slightly altered variables. I did notice that as soon as I dezoned all ICO zones and shut down all my Industry DLC factories and such that my eligible student number took a HARD nosedive, unlike the X1 version of the game. Based on my findings, it seems like lots of people graduate super quickly in the Remaster compared to X1.

    Finally got it on the Remaster as well, with 83k population and 28k eligible. So there's another caveat to this that I discovered. It's that you need to pay super close attention to the population info tab, specifically the unemployed part, high unemployment means more people are free to do anything, and with the education boost policy, they will flock to your university. Things such as monuments, unique buildings, schools, hospitals, etc. all contribute a fair number of jobs as well, on top of ICO zones. My Remastered city reached an unemployment of 85% with 1500 jobs available (I did keep super important things, namely mass transit, open), which helped push me over the edge to ~17k enrolled. So if you are having trouble reaching 15k and have more than enough spots available on campus, remove anything I mentioned above, it helped me a lot.
    Posted by IndigoSolace on 05 Aug 24 at 16:35
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  • PapaparkinPapaparkin
    06 Sep 2022 06 Sep 2022 06 Sep 2022
    I tried a number of the solutions listed without success. My city was mature around 200-230k citizens. I did have the hadron collider so most of my population was well educated - so this is what i did. No need to pause the game at all

    1. Delete Hadron collider and any "normal" universities
    2. Build campus(s) around your city ensuring you have >20 - 30k of dormitory space and add whichever other campus buildings you have unlocked (I built one of each campus, one in each of the three corners of my city)
    3. Turn off all campus buildings
    4. Raise all residential taxes to max (25%?) until your population is approximately half of it's starting value
    5. Lower residential taxes to 12%
    6. Monitor elementary and high school capacity and build additional as required (I was on 35k elementary / 60k high school).
    7. When your university eligibility reaches around 30k (it will take around 40-60 minutes) go around and open up all campus buildings
    8. Achievement unlocks
  • PJTierneyPJTierney
    01 Dec 2019 29 Sep 2019
    Dropping a solution in here that I got via Message (summarised), when I asked one of the first who unlocked it (I’ll delete this solution if they make their own):

    > Have a population of around 120,000, with over 30,000 eligible for University

    > Deactivate School's Out Policy

    > Activate Education Boost Policy

    > Activate Industry 4.0 Policy

    > Delete all generic Universities

    > Build a large amount of High Schools (25,000 capacity)

    > Let the game idle for 1-2 in-game years

    > Once you have over 30,000 students eligible for University, build a Campus with room for 18,000

    > Activate all Campus Policies

    As soon as you open the Campus you should get 15,000 students right away
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    As R0me BurnsOne issue always seems to be access for the citizens. If you build your campus on one side of a massive city, you’d need dedicated transportation setup for bringing your citizens to the campus.

    You can build your campus around the whole of the city and place many buildings throughout it so it has a wider range of access without the need for mass transport. As AdsKikaX said.
    Posted by As R0me Burns on 31 Oct 19 at 02:38
    S P 4 C E YI have tried this with zero success so far. Had a city with 175,000 population and 40,000 eligible students. Upon re-opening my three campuses with 30,000 capacity, no more than 1,500 students would enroll, and the eligible students dropped <15,000 in 3 months.

    Trying again with an older save, bulldozing all universities as I did before but building a single campus and dotting uni buildings throughout the city, otherwise it’s going to need to be a new city... Enraging achievement.
    Posted by S P 4 C E Y on 12 Aug 20 at 15:57
    PandominusA city population of 330k.
    Eligible students for Universities 45k.
    Campuses spread through the residential zones...
    And still the students attending doesnt break 10k.

    And I've tried this with 3 separate Universities. Then one city wide university.
    Then with no industry or business to employ residents.
    I've tried this with good transport lines to and from residential and campuses.
    With University policies on...and off. With education for profit on and with free tuition fees on.
    And ALWAYS I cap out at 10k... still with 30k eligible.
    It's so far my methods have equated in 2 weeks and hours and hours of tinkering, resetting, restructuring. Maximum student attendance has been 10599... before dropping back to low 9000s.
    Posted by Pandominus on 02 Nov 20 at 01:51
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