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후줄근 캐릭터 UNLOCK achievement in Superstar Karaoke

후줄근 캐릭터 UNLOCK

후줄근 캐릭터를 UNLOCK 시켜야 합니다.

후줄근 캐릭터 UNLOCK0

How to unlock the 후줄근 캐릭터 UNLOCK achievement

  • EmEm
    22 Apr 2010 22 Apr 2010
    Literally: Unlock the character "Hu Jul Geun" - (the lady who's pictured in the achievement icon).

    I don't know the exact requirements to unlock her, but I'll tell you what happened for me. I completed a 3 song set in superstar (the first mode in the main menu) with the character "Ung-i" (the boy character who is initially unlocked). I then played the two roulette songs afterwards and then a wheel of fortune-like spinner comes up. I spun and got the section that had the "item" label on it. After I passed the next song (with an "S" rating) the character and achievement unlocked for me.

    I'd done the spinner once before and NOT hit the segment with "item" on it, and nothing unlocked after I passed that song. I also don't know if the item that gets unlocked is always this character or not. Sorry I can't be more helpful -- just hoping that some information is better than nothing.

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    Posted by g4aw on 02 Jan 22 at 00:03
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  • Removed Gamer
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    This character is actually unlocked by doing well in all the songs in your gig. So if you consistently get between 97-100 on your "music score" for all 6 songs, it's quite likely you'll get this character unlocked after the final results screen. It doesn't matter who you play as, what happens with the spinner, or anything of that nature.
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