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나바람의 운 achievement in Superstar Karaoke

나바람의 운

나바람 캐릭터로 파이널 선곡 시 아이템이 있는 5번째 곡을 선곡해야 합니다.

나바람의 운0

How to unlock the 나바람의 운 achievement

  • HazeMonsterHazeMonster
    05 Mar 2012 05 Mar 2012 05 Mar 2012
    All credit goes to A 0 E Monkey and his guide at X360A.

    This achievement will require you to use the old man. To unlock him just rank up any character to 240,000xp. Then select the old man and select superstar mode(the first selection) and play the first gig. You'll play 3 songs, then randomly select and play 2 more. After 5 songs are played, a spinner will appear with 5 spots which determines which song of your 5 you will play again. To even have a chance at the achievement, spot #5 must have the "item" on it. The achievement is to hit the #5 while the item is on it using the old man. This took me 8 straight hours, but it's completely chance so it may take 1 chance or 1000! Also, as mentioned in A 0 E Monkey's guide, NEVER quit out of any gig at any time as it may glitch this achievement. You can fail out, but NEVER quit. Once you hit 5 with the item, you'll have to play the 6th song and at the results screen (after a VERY suspenseful pause) POP! This achievement is extremely annoying so good luck!
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    oxHARMONxoAchievement just glitched on me. So frustrated. I accidentally quit out a few days ago as the dog, and then tried this today and after a few hours hit it. No achievement.
    Posted by oxHARMONxo on 22 Oct 14 at 01:49
    PSA - I had a terrible time with game crashes in this, but I was also using Cronus Max. Point being if your console crashes, you may as well start from a fresh save or back up. Definitely glitched my achievement the first time around.
    Posted on 09 Oct 17 at 00:04
    Skate 323My game crashed alot to and I quit out a few times on accident but lucky it didn't glitch for me.
    Posted by Skate 323 on 25 Aug 18 at 01:54
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