This achievement requires 2 players, like the diamonds to you achievement. One player has to throw the stew to another. Easy as that. You can get this achievement in my realm, where also other players can be found often in case you do not have a 2nd device. I do plan on adding the updated file to the dropbox link at the bottom at some point.
For those unfamiliar with how realms work, it is a 24/7 hosted world, which you can join anytime you want, as long as the owner (me) has a subscription. The current end date is planned to be January 8th, 2020. By then, the dropbox link should have been updated.
You can join the realm with this link or with the invite code code: 4_FRkZ3uo_M
(Believe you will need to friend me on Xbox as well)
Version 1.14 required, Beta versions can NOT connect. (or more recent version)
You can download the world here, or join my realm: