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Winter Wonderland 2019

9,448 (30%)
Winter Wonderland 2019

Caught You! achievement in Overwatch 2

Caught You!

Kill an enemy with a caught snowball in Snowball Deathmatch.

Caught You!0
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How to unlock the Caught You! achievement

  • HUN playmoreHUN playmore
    10 Dec 2019 10 Dec 2019
    10 1 4
    About the game mode
    This achievement is exclusive to the Winter Wonderland event in december (every year). Might turn up in the Anniversary event (different random events every day in May). It can be found in the Arcade menu, it is the 8 player FFA mode not the 6v6.

    Rules of snowball fight
    Everyone plays Mei who has her wall and ice cube abilities from the main game. However she can only shoot icicles with a limited range and ammunition. One hit kills, the one who gets 15 kills first wins the game. Every player starts with 1 ammo and can get more by picking up (hold cn_RT or cn_X) piles of snow randomly appearing on the map (max 3). There is an important new ability by pressing the melee button cn_RS: if someone shoots at you and you activate melee you can grab the icicle in the air and load it into your weapon. The ultimate attack is different as well: for a few seconds you can shoot as many icicles as you want with a greater speed. After the ultimate ends your weapon will be fully loaded with 3 ammo as well.

    The achievement
    You need your melee ability for this. Empty your gun before and walk in front of anyone who has ammo (their weapon glows red) and try to catch their icicle with cn_RS. It is not that hard, the animation even lingers for a while. You can't spam melee but the cooldown is very short. One easy way to bait a shot is standing over a pile of snow with your empty weapon making the enemy think you are picking it up. After you caught it just kill the enemy with their own ammo. It supposed to work on any enemy but I can't confirm it. Best if you kill the owner of the icicle.
    Showing all 4 comments. Leave a comment.
    RDGrill12Fair warning. This one had a delayed unlock for me. Check first that you got the spray if the achievement doesn’t unlock. If you got the spray, just wait it will unlock eventually. Don’t bang your head against the wall.
    Posted by RDGrill12 on 11 Dec 19 at 05:23
    HUN playmoreThe event updates of Overwatch always had some issues in the past but everything unlocked eventually. Probably because they don't want to spoil the achievements in the updates they come later than the patch itself. If you start the game with only the patch updated the achievement may only unlock later. Good news that every time I completed an achievement early, (getting the spray but not unlocking it on Xbox) it always unlocked later without needing to do the requirements again. The game definitely saves the progress and tries to re-unlock it later when it is started again.
    Posted by HUN playmore on 11 Dec 19 at 12:37
    Doc ShowtimeDelay for me also. About 8 hours after I played, I received an achievement notification on my phone.
    Posted by Doc Showtime on 11 Dec 19 at 18:26
    Mike LangloisCan you get this in 2024?
    Posted by Mike Langlois on 26 Sep at 20:08
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