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Piniyata Crusher achievement in The Office Quest

Piniyata Crusher

Angela from accounting will be disappointed

Piniyata Crusher0
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How to unlock the Piniyata Crusher achievement

  • TheWelshHuntTheWelshHunt
    02 Jun 2020 28 Jun 2020 28 Jun 2020
    Here is my 100% Achievement Guide!

    This happens not long after your first achievement.
    When you enter the next room, you see a pinata and
    Go into the next room to see a maintenance guy working on something, ignore him for now, doirectly infront of you is a long broom so pick that up.
    Go back to the left and enter the room with the pinata again, click on the pinata and achievement will unlock.

    Go to 2:40 to see how it is done.

    Hope this helps!

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