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Welcome to the Jungle achievement in Bless Unleashed

Welcome to the Jungle

Complete the Campaign Quest "A Jungle Expedition."

Welcome to the Jungle0

How to unlock the Welcome to the Jungle achievement

  • LV 1 Blue SlimeLV 1 Blue Slime
    05 May 2020 05 May 2020 05 May 2020
    This is the very last story quest (for now, anyway). It's very, very deep into the game.

    -First you'll do the story quests up to beating Gideon at the Nightspire.

    -Next you have a short quest line that leads to the estate.

    -Then the next story quest is getting 100 loyalty tokens. These comes from the chests you get when you finish a prestige quest (to get prestige quests, you need to get honored reputation with a faction and be level 25). I'm unsure if you can sit on the reward chests and then open them after you start this quest, the next two steps work that way though.

    -After that is 500 blood tokens, these come from the field boss chests. You can stock up on chests beforehand and open them all once you get the quest, I started with about 200. Chests opened before you get the quest don't give blood stones. fatjay4lisa commented that you can also get them from bosses in crusades, which will give you progress toward the 50 crusades achievement as well.

    -After that is 150 warrior talents (these come from dungeon chests, though I don't think all of them drop them. From what I've read only the first 3, so Infernal Kitchen, Altar of Blood and Dreamscale Ruins). Again, you won't get them until you start this quest.

    -Once you've finished the 150 warrior talents, you'll be sent to the Timeless Jungle. Once you approach the quest marker there, this will unlock.
    Showing all 6 comments. Leave a comment.
    fatjay4lisaYou should add that you can also get bloodstones from the bosses within the invasions/crusades aswell it makes it go alot quicker plus it also counts towards the complete 50 achievement aswell
    Posted by fatjay4lisa on 05 May 20 at 11:15
    LV 1 Blue SlimeDidn't know that, will add it. Thanks!
    Posted by LV 1 Blue Slime on 05 May 20 at 17:23
    InquisitorZacConfirmed that you can sit on Prestige Chests for Loyalty Tokens.
    The daily bosses drop an average of 2 bloodstones. The weekly drop more, so if you have limited room, at least hoard the weekly bosses (Harpy Queen, Spider Queen, Cyclops, Soul Reaver, and Bone Dragon).
    The invasion bosses (in the 22 hr Crusade invasion events) rain Bloodstones. Like 5-9 per kill or something crazy. That’s why after the invasion is triggered on all channels, most will regroup on one and have the group spread out and tagging bosses. You can easily get 50+ Bloodstones from several of the invasions if you have a good group and can tag all the big names. Just make sure to run around and loot them all.
    As for Warrior Talents, there are also in game dungeon related achievements under your Trials menu. If you complete the trial requirements, you will get 10 Warrior Talents. Each unlockable Chest with your daily dungeon key awards a flat 10 Warrior Talents. As long as it’s a chest from 1 of the 3 dungeons listed. Might double check dungeons, I don’t think Kitchen was one of them but I’ve only been running AoB so 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣 I might be wrong on that.
    Loyalty Tokens, will take 2-3 + weeks.
    Bloodstones less than a week if you can hit Crusades.
    Warrior Talents 15 days on daily keys only. Quicker if you go for trials and buy additional keys.
    So it’s going to take at the very least a month+ of daily playtime to knock this out.
    I’ve never played a console game that has its contents locked down behind so many time walls. Quite bizarre.
    Posted by InquisitorZac on 07 May 20 at 03:43
    InquisitorZacYah the dungeons for Warrior Talents are:
    Savantus Mausoleum - Altar of Blood
    Rutus Mines - Halls of the Dead
    Dreamscale Ruins - Sundered Sanctuary
    Posted by InquisitorZac on 08 May 20 at 22:04
    Ereaser NLI've done 1 prestige quest so far (for the Herbati tribe) and I got 40 tokens from it.
    I'm at the Gideon fight quest progress wise.

    Edit: Next 2 chests gave me 42 and 44. So you only need to do 3 prestige quests, which can be done in a day instead of 2-3 weeks
    Posted by Ereaser NL on 25 Jul 20 at 16:07
    x ShadoVV xI’d like to add that I had loyalty tokens in my warehouse manager(about 80 something) and I deposited the recent tokens I had(a little over 80 as well). This made about 168 or so, when I pulled them out it completed the quest. My quest also reverted back to having 0 tokens when a full 24 hours went by.
    Posted by x ShadoVV x on 23 Sep 22 at 13:53
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