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Not Like This achievement in Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition

Not Like This

Visit the Mirror Worlds the bad way.

Not Like This0

How to unlock the Not Like This achievement

  • JohnVaunMastroJohnVaunMastro
    13 May 2020 23 Aug 2020 23 Aug 2020
    On higher level derelicts you'll run into groups of enemies called Martyrs. Engage them as often as you can (you can do an area scan and highlight the enemy icon to see which enemy type it is) until you get some dialogue with them. Choose to surrender for a "bad ending" and this achievement.
    Showing all 5 comments. Leave a comment.
    deathproof4289Haven't started this game yet but can you save and then do this and quit out afterwards. Thanks
    Posted by deathproof4289 on 19 Oct 20 at 10:44
    JohnVaunMastroYep, that's what I did and then reloaded and went on to complete normally.
    Posted by JohnVaunMastro on 19 Oct 20 at 11:57
    deathproof4289Appreciate it dude thanks for the response. This is the next game I'm buying
    Posted by deathproof4289 on 21 Oct 20 at 20:58
    Crimson DrifterTechnically, this is missable. If you engage in enough fights with them they will eventually give you no dialogue options other than "Prepare to Fight" so make sure to knock it out soon after finding them.
    Posted by Crimson Drifter on 08 Oct 21 at 15:12
    SYMF0N1K KL4WJust FYI, it does not appear that you can save before and go back to your save after winning this achievement anymore. I just attempted it, and after the dialogue rolled to explain my bad ending, it sent me back to the main menu, where the "continue" and "load" options were now grayed out. I'd put 17 hours into that campaign, I'd just unlocked the Mothership... the ending was in sight... gone. sigh... Just be warned. Also, it seems like you need to fight the martyrs (and possibly the Crimson Hoods) a few times to get the surrender option, because they start off just telling you to get lost unless you pick a fight, but the surrender option shows up later on with them explicitly saying that you're wanted for crimes against the Triumvirate. So if you're not getting the surrender option, you might need to kill a few groups of Martyrs/Crimson Hoods first.
    Posted by SYMF0N1K KL4W on 14 Mar 24 at 02:06
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