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Hurt Locker achievement in Bleeding Edge

Hurt Locker

Deal 200,000 damage

Hurt Locker0

How to unlock the Hurt Locker achievement

  • Cheevo GuidesCheevo Guides
    25 Mar 2020 24 Mar 2020 26 Mar 2020
    24 5 6
    After a Match, you can press cn_RB to go to the "Stats" Tab. This will show you your "Damage Done" that round.

    You will find that the average player deals 5-6k damage per game. So on average, this Achievement is going to take about 30-40 matches to unlock.

    Who does the most Damage?
    In my experience, Gizmo led in "damage done" pretty much every game I played. This is mostly because you can lay down Drones with cn_Y. These drones help build a TON of Passive Damage. Also the Flamethrower on the Mech does a lot of damage. I averaged 12-14k Damage PER GAME with Gizmo. Highly Recommend!
    Showing all 6 comments. Leave a comment.
    PSYCHADELICACEGizmo is easily the best, dont even bother with anyone else.
    Posted by PSYCHADELICACE on 26 Mar 20 at 08:46
    qManballinDefinitely make this one of the last few achievements you go for along with the 50 kills. I was able to get about 75% using only Kulev and going for the First Aid achievement. Spamming his basic attack while prioritizing ward heals for you and your teammate was all it took.
    Posted by qManballin on 26 Mar 20 at 19:52
    neeker75Kulev is all it takes to shorten both the damage and healing. Sacred Ground heals allies/self AND damages enemies that are inside the radius. I used the mods that increase the skill's duration, radius and HP of its stem. Especially useful at objective nodes when you can just spam repeatedly to support your team when they fight. Also keep spamming shield (for stronger team mates) and curse (on enemies). Best character in the game.
    Posted by neeker75 on 29 Mar 20 at 02:14
    KULEV for double damage and healing at the same time, then switch to Zero cool for purely healing :)
    Posted on 08 Apr 20 at 04:19
    Imos CeltaKulev is by far the best character, you can heal your teammates with his ability and deal a lot of damage! smile
    Posted by Imos Celta on 04 Jul 21 at 15:21
    evorgnayrsince the time to find games is so long because the player base is so small.. if anyone is reading this (in recent times relative to when these guides were written) and needs the multiplayer achievements i highly recommend making a gaming session and collecting interest until you have 8 people.. then spam this game nonstop until you are all done on a weekend or another convenient time
    Posted by evorgnayr on 03 May 24 at 13:22
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