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Territorial achievement in Bleeding Edge


Capture 50 objectives


How to unlock the Territorial achievement

  • Cheevo GuidesCheevo Guides
    24 Mar 2020 24 Mar 2020 26 Mar 2020
    12 6 6
    - From the Main Menu, Press "Fight"
    This game is 4v4 and there are 2 different Modes. For this Achievement, we need to Play "Objective Control". (You cannot choose your Game Mode, so you have a 50/50 chance of playing this mode)

    - Objective Control: In Objective Control, teams fight to control three points. Whichever team can dominate the checkpoints and get 600 points first wins!

    So there are 3 Checkpoints and they are constantly getting activated and deactivated by you and your opposing team. When you switch it from your opponent's checkpoint to your checkpoint, then you have 1 "Capture".
    - Grey Checkpoint: Nobody has captured it yet
    - Blue Checkpoint: Your Team has Captured it
    - Orange Checkpoint: The Enemy Captured it

    So ultimately, we need to switch the Grey & Orange Checkpoints to BLUE. We need 50 total to unlock this Achievement!🏆 I'd say most people will average between 4-8 per match depending on your skill. So on average, this should take 6-10 Matches of Objective Control to Unlock
    Showing all 6 comments. Leave a comment.
    TrekTMthis took me at least 20-30 matches.
    Posted by TrekTM on 04 Apr 20 at 00:44
    Bk LuCKY ChaRMSI've played 5 matches so far havent gotten this game mode once ridiculous
    Posted by Bk LuCKY ChaRMS on 04 Apr 20 at 17:09
    Acurate BobI'd say if you get this mode, stay in the group and just keep on the objectives, if you don't get the points, you don't get progress and you just lose.
    Posted by Acurate Bob on 14 Apr 20 at 20:52
    HamerI've played 6-7 games and only had this gamemode so far
    Posted by Hamer on 19 May 20 at 08:46
    MrInflictionIf you're able to lock a lobby with 7 other fellow boosters, then you can easily so this in 1-2 matches by alternating captures every 5 seconds.
    Posted by MrInfliction on 18 Jul 22 at 11:31
    evorgnayrsince the time to find games is so long because the player base is so small.. if anyone is reading this (in recent times relative to when these guides were written) and needs the multiplayer achievements i highly recommend making a gaming session and collecting interest until you have 8 people.. then spam this game nonstop until you are all done on a weekend or another convenient time
    Posted by evorgnayr on 03 May 24 at 13:23
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