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Smarter Than The Average Bomb achievement in PowerUp Forever

Smarter Than The Average Bomb

Destroy 50 enemies with one smart bomb

Smarter Than The Average Bomb0

How to unlock the Smarter Than The Average Bomb achievement

  • MalcSeventyFourMalcSeventyFour
    31 Mar 2009 01 Apr 2009
    On one of the levels a little bit into the game (third or fourth I think), you'll find that you're being chased by a bunch of smaller enemies who home in on you. Don't shoot them! Start circling around and let their numbers build up while also staying as close as you can to clusters of other enemies.
    It's all a matter of judgement, but when you think you've got enough critters around you, let loose with your smart bomb and the achievement should unlock.
    As long as you're focused on getting the achievement it's not actually all that hard to do.
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    Mayonaise1337My most kills my a smart bomb is 49. Made me pull my hair out when saw it on the stats screen. 8)
    Posted by Mayonaise1337 on 11 Sep 10 at 16:23
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