If this doesn't pop, quit the game and reload it and it should pop at the main menu
Achievement Walkthrough:
TimeStamps:Level 1 (RL Stine House) - 1:10Killed by Ghoul Lady - 4:20
Killed by Murder Clown - 6:40
Killed by Werewolf - 9:50
Breadbox - 10:30
Killed by Slappy - 13:00
Level 2 (Conservatory) - 15:10Fall in Pond - 16:35
Killed by Bees - 18:15
Killed by Venus Fly Trap -19:20
Vent System - 23:20
Killed by Brewer's Potion - 27:50
Cure Potion - 29:30
Level 3 (Tesla Tower) - 30:30Killed by Annihilator - 33:25
Killed by Gummybear - 38:20
Killed by Henchman - 39:40
Fall off Platform - 44:00
Killed by Witch - 44:40