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Ace Pilots Red Baron and Blue Max achievement in NAMCO MUSEUM ARCHIVES Vol 1

Ace Pilots Red Baron and Blue Max

Cleared Stage 26 in Sky Kid.

Ace Pilots Red Baron and Blue Max0
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How to unlock the Ace Pilots Red Baron and Blue Max achievement

  • negative1nenegative1ne
    19 Jun 2020 19 Jun 2020 20 Jun 2020
    13 1 1
    First, make sure you savestate at the beginning of level 26, and
    as you progress. If you get too far, you will miss out on the next point.

    Make sure you pick up a bomb, and drop it on the airship at the end,
    otherwise you will never be able to finish the level. Your airplane
    will just drop into the water, at the end of the level, and you will
    keep losing lives.

    That way you get a true ending for level 26. You don't need to keep
    playing it after that point.

    If you get stuck, keep using save and rewind to get past the harder parts.
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    AnxsighetyGood tip, but the video is gone. Idc but others might. I just wanted to add my own tip for this nightmare of a game.

    I found that sitting in the top left corner and shooting forward worked more often than not. Mostly because as the enemy pilots get harder, they start doing loops to counter you. Well, if you’re near the edge of the screen and the loop makes them go off of it… they disappear. It’s not fool proof as there are times where you’ll have to back up and shoot them down/rewind, but it’s by far easier than trying to fight everything off, especially when you get into the 20s.
    Posted by Anxsighety on 28 Aug at 13:30
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  • New ParalyzerNew Paralyzer
    12 Apr 2021 11 Apr 2021 11 Apr 2021
    Just a hint to make this game a little less frustrating. When you get shot you don't have to die if you have room to recover.

    When you take a bullet and your plane spirals towards the ground Hold cn_up and Mash cn_A+cn_B

    If you have room to recover (no building to crash into or floor is far enough away) you'll pull your plane out of it's downward spiral and recover from the enemy bullet.

    This Namco collection has a funky rewind system so it's nice to recover when you can.
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