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Frenzied Defense achievement in Overwatch 2

Frenzied Defense

Earn 15 saves in a game of Lúcioball Remix.

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How to unlock the Frenzied Defense achievement

  • MrTonytheGamerMrTonytheGamer
    04 Aug 2020 04 Aug 2020 07 Aug 2020
    24 3 9
    For this achievement, you need to score 15 saves in a single game of Lúcioball Remix. This achievement is a little tricky at the moment, as it seems many people are also going for the achievements, and thus, they are only playing the goal. From minute one, you should be playing defense and trying to get saves on any shots coming your way to your goal. It should also be noted that this game mode can, and will be pretty chaotic. At any time in the arena, there can be as many as four (4!!) balls active, which can all be hard to keep track of.

    Some tips I can offer to anyone having difficulty with this one:

    1. Don't be afraid to spam your cn_LT ability.
    Seriously. Your cn_LT ability recharges incredibly fast in this mode, and is something you can spam nearly every second, so do not hesitate to use it when the the time is right.

    2. Wait for any shots to enter the green highlighted area in front of your goal.
    I can't 100% confirm this, but it seems that the game counts a save as "any ball that lands in the area directly in front of your goal." Any ball that seemed close to the goal, but wasn't actually in the area specified didn't seem to count as a save to the game, so I would try to let the balls come inside the highlighted area and then use my cn_LT to knock them away.

    3. Don't jump while inside the green area in front of your goal.
    Jumping in the green highlighted area in front of your goal will make you fly really high into the air. This only serves to get you AWAY from your goal, and, in turn, not saving as many shots. If you are going to jump for whatever reason with your cn_A, you will want to back up into the goal and then jump up, so you don't gain massive air from the pads.

    If you're curious as to how many saves you have in a game, just hold cn_back and you will be able to see towards the bottom of the screen how many saves the game has counted for you.

    EDIT: Changed button maps to correct defaults, as I had a custom button scheme for Lucio when writing this solution initially.

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    Elite1111111111I don't think you're using the default control scheme. You might want to update the guide with either more general comments, or the default controls.

    For example - Based off your comments for RB, you seem to have that set as Lucio's alt fire (the knockback ability), correct? That's normally LT.
    Posted by Elite1111111111 on 07 Aug 20 at 13:32
    MrTonytheGamer@Elite1111111111 ah crap, I think you might be right. I’ll update in a bit. I guess I had changed my controls for Lúcio so long ago I had forgot that it wasn’t the default for him when I wrote this.
    Posted by MrTonytheGamer on 07 Aug 20 at 16:46
    VictimOfDesireI've seen upwards of 5 balls active in this game mode if no one is scoring. Also, I wouldn't even try to do this on the map that has all the pillars and walls, as shooting on that map is horrendous. The wide open map and the map with the straight wall down the middle are the two you should shoot for this on. I believe I got this on the wide open map and got 14 on the straight wall map twice. Taking shots on those maps is INCREDIBLY easier than that clusterfuck pillar map, which makes it a hellova lot easier to line up the saves. Getting into a save volley with the enemy goalie is also helpful in racking up saves, but it's hard to maintain with all of the balls being thrown around the arena. It'll definitely help add a few to your total though if you get into a save volley. You can only do a save volley on the wide open map though, as the pillars and walls on the other maps get in the way of a consistent back and forth with the enemy goalie. I believe I did a version of a save volley on the straight wall map by pushing the ball away from my goal and having it run parallel to the middle wall and having the enemy shoot it straight back at me. If you let it get close enough to the goal, it'll count as a save and you can keep doing that back and forth. All of this is dependent on enemy cooperation though and them not shooting it sideways or having another ball collide with the ball you're shooting down the lane.
    Posted by VictimOfDesire on 10 Aug 20 at 14:42
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  • non one cnon one c
    26 Jul 2021 26 Jul 2021 26 Jul 2021
    The saves just seem to trigger when the ball gets super close to your goal.
    Best method that worked for me is to stay inside of the goal and trying to shoot the balls as late as possible.
    Here's the replay of my successful attempt. I scored 16 saves that match.
  • gamerXpressgamerXpress
    12 Jul 2023 12 Jul 2023
    Through hours of trial and error, I figured out the best way to achieve a "save" with Lucioball.

    A "save" counts if the ball moves towards your goal. The goal has a green area around it. Punching the ball within the goal's vicinity yields you a higher chance of it counting as a "save."

    The ball does not have to glow "red" towards your goal: it merely has to be moving towards the goal for it to count as a "save."
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