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Padded Resume achievement in Going Under

Padded Resume

Unlock all skills.

Padded Resume0

How to unlock the Padded Resume achievement

  • TenloTenlo
    07 Mar 2021 07 Mar 2021 07 Jul 2021
    Update: some people have mentioned the tracker is buggy and remains at 98% for awhile but it does seem to unlock when you have all 99 skills

    This will probably be the last achievement you need and if so the best way to farm for cubits is by running Joblin repeatedly.

    You should have Tappi as your mentor and cubicle rewards member as your pinned skill. Tappi gives you extra cash and allows cafe items to restock. This means if you buy the cubits bundle in the store another one will pop up meaning you can pick up a fair few.

    Also Joplin is the easiest to complete and get the cubit bonus crate at the end. Just grab a tablet pen and wail on the boss . The electric shock stuns him and he can't attack. There are usually some in the boss room too.

    I should also add make sure you've turned on all the assists as these do not affect cheevs

    I was getting 200+ cubits a run this way
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    DeathToRudyEnded up unlocking when I bought all 99 skills
    Posted by DeathToRudy on 19 Jun 21 at 20:00
    xDisturbedx666Yeah I had to get all 99 skills before the achievement unlocked too.
    Posted by xDisturbedx666 on 02 Jul 21 at 19:48
    Stormborn64can confirm the bug, stuck on 98% and more skills just keep appearing in the store
    Posted by Stormborn64 on 04 Jul 21 at 22:52
    TenloI must admit I don't recall it being buggy when I played it but it was a fair few months back so it might have arisen with a later patch. I'll update the solution saying it might be buggy, can anyone confirm that this doesn't unlock when all 99 skills are purchased or is it just the tracker which is buggy?
    Posted by Tenlo on 07 Jul 21 at 13:01
    TheGagsI’m not sure what the “original 74 skills” are exactly. But this finally triggered when I bought the skill “Going… Over?” I still had “Wear Many Hats” available to purchase.
    Posted by TheGags on 08 Jul 21 at 03:36
    smashingrascalFinished it without buying Recruiter, Wear Many Hats and Aggro Pal.
    Bought Vertically Integrated as the final, 96 Skill in total.

    I noticed the tracker not always going up when buying a skill even before 98%.

    The 'Bug' is likely just not counting the skills added later, mixed in with the other 74 skills. With the final original skill only available in the final set, you can only get it close to 99 skills.

    But I'll need someone to confirm this, if everyone get those 4 skills at the end and only need to buy vertically Integrated for the achievement let me know.
    Posted by smashingrascal on 13 Jul 21 at 19:48
    PTGigi@smashingrascal can confirm, I just got it when I bought Vertically Integrated but had not yet purchased Recruiter, Wear Many Hats or Aggro Pal.
    Posted by PTGigi on 13 Jul 21 at 21:37
    Hobbess253Also just got it from the final 4 by buying Vertically Integrated only, same final 4 as SmashingRascal & PTGigi so I think the order is consistent. Full list of the original 74 are on truetrophies - https://www.truetrophies.com/t318188/padded-resume-trophy
    Posted by Hobbess253 on 10 Sep 21 at 19:57
    enzon19I think it's fixed now because I got first the Vertically Integrated and then Recruiter, Wear Many Hats and Aggro Pal still need to be buy to count to the achievement. I bought all and pop!
    Posted by enzon19 on 15 Jul 22 at 03:42
    ThisIsPrfctI can confirm of the last 4 skills you need to buy just Vertically Integrated for the achievement to pop. If this is your last achievement at least it saves you three runs.
    Posted by ThisIsPrfct on 29 Sep 22 at 11:57
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