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Brand Ambassador achievement in Going Under

Brand Ambassador

Complete Swomp's mentorship.

Brand Ambassador0

How to unlock the Brand Ambassador achievement

  • DiegoHWLunaDiegoHWLuna
    Locked 08 Mar 2021 08 Mar 2021
    Complete all of Swomp's missions. They are:

    Light a buncha stuff on fire (30) - light 30 things on fire
    Run over a car with your car - using a car, run over another car
    Eat a sandwich when you're not even hungry - eat a sandwich when your health is full
    Go on a successful date - dont get hit during the Winkydink mini-game
    Crash the pizza party in Winkydink - secret, randomly apprearing room in Winkydink it has a checkmark in the minimap
    Fill your inventory with slime (3) - after killing a slime, grab the slime ball they sometimes drop, repeat 2 more times
    Start a polymerous relationship - have a successful date, then another one without your first date dying
    Buy a dank gaming rig from the Styxcoin café
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    DcupsOfJusticeI had issues with the Poly task as well. Had to do this many times before I was finally able to get it. When I finally did get it I had numerous allies with me using Swomp as mentor and Pick-up Artist skill. They did the damage and I stayed away making sure I wouldn't get hit.
    As for the gaming rig, I'd like to note that it's cost is over 31000 Styxcoin and there is no way to get that much before the B2 when it shows up. Best thing to do: With Swomp as mentor, collect as much Styxcoin as possible. When you get to the shop with the rig try and buy everything else. Then Swomp will steal the rig for you. I was able to get this my second try, albeit with luck. First try I got everything except 1 item and he stole that 1 item. 50% chance and I lose, nice. Second time, I got lucky and found the app that lowers the cost of items at the shop and easily bought everything except the rig.
    Posted by DcupsOfJustice on 11 Jul 21 at 03:05
    SquiSquiSquidioTo do a successful date, choose which enemy you want and beat them without taking any damage. This will make them follow you (text will say something about you having a boyfriend). For the Polyamorous relationship, do the fist step, but now, keep the friendly enemy alive until the next dating app and make sure the first date stays alive to the end.
    Posted by SquiSquiSquidio on 19 Jul 21 at 21:18
    NSM I MilkyBearI've done the successful date requirements atleast 10 times now without getting hit and it hasn't completed, must be bugged.
    Posted by NSM I MilkyBear on 29 Jul 21 at 18:53
    rTeutyCan't get the Polyamorous Relationship one to work at all. Done it a good 15 times and nothing.
    Posted by rTeuty on 17 Aug 21 at 03:56
    AMontyPythonI have tried the “run a car over with a car” a dozen times and nothing ever works…tips?
    Posted by AMontyPython on 24 Aug 21 at 04:05
    rTeutyPatch out yesterday, at least for the Windows 10 version (assuming Xbox as well) and I was finally able to get Polyamorous Relationship task to work. May be worth checking if it fixed the other tasks as well.
    Posted by rTeuty on 08 Sep 21 at 21:45
    Mr SpinelesS@AMontypython I got this with the Styx App Car, not sure if it works with normal car...
    Posted by Mr SpinelesS on 22 Sep 21 at 05:11
    KirklessDCups has the right idea for the last challenge. I didn't think about trying to buy everything before having Swomp steal from the shop. Definitely increases your chances.
    Posted by Kirkless on 15 Jan 22 at 20:58
    MisterWinkyFaceI found if you buy the items in the shop, Swomp will steal some SKILL you do not yet have. Maybe the game has been updated since these comments, but I'm finding it very difficult (needlessly) to get that last task done. He won't steal the game for me no matter what I do.

    Edit: I used Blood Money and had Ray as a Mentor. I was able to purchase the game system...finally.
    Posted by MisterWinkyFace on 11 Apr 22 at 23:07
    MrZombieChickenThe date only works in the Winkydink dungeon
    For the gaming rig, Swomp stole mine, but you can get it easily by equipping the blood money skill since it lets you get whatever you want from the shop for a 1/2 heart penalty.
    Posted by MrZombieChicken on 25 Sep 22 at 17:34
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