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Lead Engineer achievement in Going Under

Lead Engineer

Complete Kara's mentorship.

Lead Engineer0

How to unlock the Lead Engineer achievement

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    Task one: Install 10 apps.
    Apps are the mobile phones with icons above them that will randomly appear in dungeons. Pick 10 up. If you leave the room without picking them up, they will become bricked phone, which is usefull for later task

    Task two: Destroy 15 laptops
    Laptops can be found in Joblin. Just destroy them.

    Task three: Electrocute 5 enemies
    You can complete this task either with skills that have chance to electrocute enemies or using items like laptops or tablet pens. Can be easily done in Joblin. Electrocuting same enemy won't count

    Task four: Walk Eclaire to floor B3 of any dungeon.
    Eclaire will appear in the first room of any the dungeon. Make sure to pick her up before leaving, otherwise she'll dissapear for that run. She will be connected to you and by this making you much slower just like debt does. Make it down to the third floor and you will be free.

    Task five: Defeat 10 enemies with bricked phones.
    If you don't pick up an app and leave the room it will be turned into a bricked phone. Use these to defeat the ten enemies.

    Task six: Kill a drone.
    Drones appear every time you finish each floor, finish challenge or just order delivery using app. To destroy the drone you need to deal about 14 points of damage. Some weapons hit too low or are too weak for it. For Joblin i would recommend Whacktus (weapon which appear from destroyed planted cactus) or Jobo Warhammer, for winky dink Low Hanging Fruit (the eggplant) and for styxcoin Sledgehammer or pickaxe.
    Use charge attack which resault with uppercut or attacking from above which will destroy the drone. Drones upon destruction dropes apps, which can be helpfull in future runs

    Task seven: Deal 50 damage to an enemy in a single hit
    Just use blank card on enemy without shield, easy

    Task eight: Take a photo of a Blackhat in Styxcoin.
    Pick up the photo app (called MobFlash) and wait until you come across a Blackhat. They only appear in Styxcoin and they are the enemies which are floating whilst typing on their laptop and make the whole room dark. For me he appered either during 2nd wave of minions during boss fight or rarely in true founder mode of dungeon

    Good luck and have fun
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    fvagelisSo Task 5 is broken. Apps do not get turned into bricked phones if you leave them in a room and come back. Even if you find them in the first room, get to the last room of the floor and then go back, they will still be apps.
    Posted by fvagelis on 11 Jul 21 at 12:36
    Yeah, I agree. It's almost impossible in impostor Mode or true founder so I did it pretty early. Some benefits from managers are also bugged. I always picked swomp but sometimes he didnt appear in shop or his special room wasn't appearing as well
    Posted on 12 Jul 21 at 07:12
    OnsidicFvagelis - just did the bricked phones yesterday, had no issue with going back to the previous room that i know there were phones and finding them bricked. Had 3 of them on me thinking they would break quickly. Was able to get about 3-5 kills per phone depending on enemy.
    You can also flip the switch and go back to easier version of the level.
    Posted by Onsidic on 22 Jul 21 at 15:31
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