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Chief Flavor Officer achievement in Going Under

Chief Flavor Officer

Complete Fern's mentorship.

Chief Flavor Officer0

How to unlock the Chief Flavor Officer achievement

  • elhocidelhocid
    11 Mar 2021 13 Mar 2021 13 Mar 2021
    13 0 1
    Make sure to never miss an opportuninty of conversation with Fern. When the dialog bubble is blue, he assigns you a task for mentorship.

    Task one: Deal 30 damage with explosives.
    In Joblin Bean bombs and Sus boxes deal explosive damage. In Styxcoin the dynamite can be picked and thrown.

    Task two: Apply status effects to 10 enemies
    Easy status effects are frozen or on fire. Winkidink is a good place to get it done. By having Fern as your mentor you will come across fizzle cans instead of apps, which also helps toward the goal.

    Task three: Toast a Jobwich.
    You need to receive a jobwitch (consumable) in a room with fire, or bring a torch all the time. You must get the fire to the jobwitch, as you cannot pick jobwitch.

    Task four: Defeat 3 Joblin Canbassadors with bean bombs.
    Canbassadors are the goblins throwing them. Either grab dropped bean bomb can or make them fall on exploding one.

    Task five: Find the Golden Eggplant in Winkydink.
    Keep your eyes open in Winkidink and throw something at the yellow colored "low hanging fruit" to grab this.

    Task six: Defeat a monster with a frozen monster.
    Fire extinguishers freeze enemies and there are plenty in Winkidink. Pick frozen bodu with Y and bash nearest enemy.

    Task seven: Have 9 Heart Containers.
    You can get an extra heart container if you equip the Room for Growth skill. Ketchup bottles in stores add containers. Each of 3 defeated bosses makes you one heart container richer.

    Task eight: Find the Fizzle Rock in Styxcoin.
    You should always break rocks in Styxcoin, just for the crypto currency they yield. This one is red in color.

    I found the task easy to do before entering the rainbow dimensional portal in the middle for the "F" achievement. The dungeons get more difficult then.
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    LinkedTortoiseEasy tip for the Have 9 health task is to just turn on assist mode for the extra 5 health there. You can then just enter a dungeon and get it immediately.
    Posted by LinkedTortoise on 10 Jul 21 at 21:14
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