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Clean Exit achievement in Going Under

Clean Exit

Kill a power loader with Exit Strategist.

Clean Exit0

How to unlock the Clean Exit achievement

  • MoppyHMoppyH
    03 Oct 2020 03 Oct 2020 03 Oct 2020
    24 1 1
    This achievement requires that you kill a Power Loader enemy with the Exit Strategist skill.

    Exit Strategist is a skill that makes your dodge roll cause environmental items such as desks and tables to explode after you roll out from under them. The Power Loader is a large mech with a drill arm enemy type that can be found in the third dungeon, StyxCoin. On a run of this dungeon where you have the Exit Strategist skill, simply kill a Power Loader by rolling under its legs repeatedly, causing it to explode and the achievement to pop.

    A couple tips to hopefully make this easier:

    1. Once you've unlocked Exit Strategist, I would recommend leveling it up so you can equip it as your pinned skill when you want to attempt this achievement, negating the RNG challenge of it entirely.

    2. Story/progression spoiler:
    *** Spoiler - click to reveal ***
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    FreakingDirtBatDon't know If It wasn't like that when this guide was made, but you can deactivate the harder mode that is mentioned on the spoiler
    Posted by FreakingDirtBat on 03 Feb 22 at 17:00
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