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I won! achievement in WWE 2K Battlegrounds

I won!

Perform a pin successfully

I won!0
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How to unlock the I won! achievement

  • JohnALS39JohnALS39
    17 Sep 2020 17 Sep 2020 18 Sep 2020
    You'll most likely get this achievement first. All you need to do is win a match via pinfall.

    To do this, you'll need to beat your opponent down to the red health bar and preferably empty it completely. After you've done this, press cn_B to the side of your opponent's downed body and you will attempt a pin.
    Hitting a signature or a finisher on a very low-health opponent, resulting in an empty health bar, will guarantee you the win as they won't be able to kick out.
    Once you get the 3 count, and the win, you will unlock your 50G achievement.
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