- WWE 2K Battlegrounds Achievements
- Thunderstorm achievement
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Thunderstorm achievement in WWE 2K Battlegrounds
ThunderstormUnlock the "Thunderstorm" Power Up
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This achievement may unlock after the requirements have been met or not at all.
How to unlock the Thunderstorm achievement
JohnALS39 18 Sep 2020 18 Sep 2020 18 Sep 2020
You will unlock this ability in the first side match in the Detroit section of the campaign (Tornado tag match vs Jeff Hardy and Baron Corbin).
Win the match and redeem the prize and bleep bloop.
If like me your game glitches and all of your abilities are maxed across all of your characters here's what you do.
-Delete your save data (from the cloud and console)
-Go offline and launch the game*
-Play through the campaign (Nearly every match I won via ring out so matches usually only lasted like 30-45 seconds)
-Claim the Thunderstorm power-up while you're still offline. Once that is done you can reconnect to your internet.
From my experience and others the achievements didn't pop for about 5-10 minutes. I was on a different game when the achievement popped.
*when I tried to launch the game offline for whatever reason it wouldn't launch. Something about not owning the game. so I popped online for a sec, launched the game, and quickly went back offline.
Full credit goes to IrritatedPuppy for this solution.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions and i'll do my best to answer.
And as always, if you downvote me for no reason, your mom's a Hobgoblin.