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Voxel runner achievement in Observer: System Redux

Voxel runner

Earn 3000 points during a single trapware run.

Voxel runner0
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How to unlock the Voxel runner achievement

  • ParanoidKingParanoidKing
    22 Mar 2022 22 Mar 2022 15 Jul 2023
    Try to make the most points you can on the tetris section, once you reach the race and it starts to get faster, pause the game every second so you can see the obstacles coming and as soon as you continue quickly dodge them
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    Blastbeat BillIf you missed this, like I did. After completing the game you can choose "wolfman hideout" through the load game menu. You have to connect to the head to get to the mini games. I didn't connect to the head in my first playthrough and thus missed this. Also for the points, I just ran in circles while looking up during the Tetris section. I got all 3000 points this way, just don't get stuck on the walls too much.
    Posted by Blastbeat Bill on 15 May at 19:04
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