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Overwatch Archives 2021

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Overwatch Archives 2021

Thunderstorm achievement in Overwatch 2


Complete the Thunderstorm Archives challenge mission.

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How to unlock the Thunderstorm achievement

  • ShadowLordXZShadowLordXZ
    06 Apr 2021 07 Apr 2021 10 Apr 2021
    Definitely the easiest of the 3 new Archives challenges. It’s basically just Expert mode but you can’t use close-range heroes.
    I got this on my first try playing as Bastion with a random group of people playing a Mercy <3, a Phara, and a Widowmaker.
    Just staying on the high ground when I could and falling back behind cover if I was taking too much damage.
    The only really tricky parts are the Big bullet sponge brutes that drop in the warehouse and 2 that drop before the end of the mission. The warehouse one can be beaten pretty easily as long as everyone keeps their distance. The last 2 can be tricky, however you can totally cheese the last fight by going on the 2nd story floor with the broken wall that’s across the bridge. When you bring the cart near it an enemy will kick in the door, once you take the cart to the end you should go back to that room and just wait it out while shooting all the enemies that come past the bridge. The big brutes will come up the stairs and you may need to jump off if they reach the top, but you can easily circle around them and go right back up once you’ve lured them away.

    *Edit: Sometimes the normal enemies won’t spawn and kick in the doors and you’ll have to fight an Assassin instead. If that’s the case just deliver the cart and head back across the bridge so you can funnel them in.
    You can prepare ahead of time and have one teammate as a Symmetra to teleport up there, or as a Mei and Ice Wall your team up into the room. Either way works out great because the enemies have NO POSSIBLE WAY to get up there. So you’d only have to worry about an Assassin and might have to leave it to kill the Snipers, but other than that you’re golden!
    Showing all 4 comments. Leave a comment.
    GPHxWINZId suggest Torb, Orisa, bastion, Ana for the sleepz
    Posted by GPHxWINZ on 08 Apr 21 at 04:30
    Crazydude23I found Orisa Bastion Baptiste Zenyatta worked great. You can burst down most enemies incredibly fast and Baptiste ult is no joke now especially with its buffed size.
    Posted by Crazydude23 on 09 Apr 21 at 06:36
    Sonic FanboyI completed it with Orisa, Bastion, Baptiste and Ashe.
    When we got locked in the warehouse, we found it work well to all stay grouped up on the payload. This gave us good sight lines to all the enemies spawns and ment they all came from roughly the same direction.
    Similar tactic near the end. When we delivered the payload, we backed up back over the bridge and let the enemies come to us, funnelling them through the archway.
    Posted by Sonic Fanboy on 14 Apr 21 at 15:18
    GryJediEngrManaged to complete it with a soldier, echo, orisa, mercy comp. The mercy boost and res are pretty helpful
    Posted by GryJediEngr on 25 Aug 22 at 14:05
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