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Heartbeat Sensor achievement in An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs

Heartbeat Sensor

Receive a human heart from a dog in a fedora.

Heartbeat Sensor0
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How to unlock the Heartbeat Sensor achievement

  • CenzBrosCenzBros
    26 May 2021 26 May 2021 27 May 2021
    I have made a guide for meeting David Bonie, but based on other guides for other achievements, I have no idea if this game is RNG, meaning things randomly spawn different for everyone, or if it is all in the same location.


    The Pup I have met that gives me a human heart is on the Phobos Airport- and his name is Investigation Dog (Thanks to The Cherished). This is the airport you started out in, but done differently this time. Once you get your ticket, walk to the right and when you see the elevator, go down. Near the time zone there should be a dog in a fedora, who when you talk to, will say "You stole my heart".

    You'll know if it was the right dog or not because the PupperDex gets updated.
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    The CherishedI got him at Phobos as well, his name is Investigation Dog when you meet him.
    Posted by The Cherished on 26 May 21 at 20:51
    CuddIe BunnySuper odd glitch happened to me with this achievement. Unlocked it on Xbox, shows unlocked, but on TA does not... Not sure if there was a syncing issue or what, but I have never had this sort of thing happen..
    Posted by CuddIe Bunny on 22 Nov 21 at 19:08
    Mack StardustI believe you mean walk to the left, yes?
    Posted by Mack Stardust on 10 May at 00:47
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