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Trend Follower achievement in Capcom Arcade Stadium

Trend Follower

Play a game that has a bonus campaign in progress.

Trend Follower0
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How to unlock the Trend Follower achievement

  • vSullyvSully
    13 Jun 2021 13 Jun 2021 28 Dec 2022
    11 0 1
    Bonus Campaigns are rotating events that apply to certain games from week to week. If a game is currently part of the weekly Bonus Campaign playlist you will see a stack of coins icon in the upper left corner of the game title while scrolling through games:

    External image

    CAPCOM description:
    Playing Bonus Campaign games offers the chance to earn a lot of extra Caspo!
    This achievement gave me troubles. The associated triumph showed as completed in the triumph list but I had not played a game with an active bonus campaign. Then after playing Progear while it had a bonus campaign, the achievement still would not unlock. I completed a full run through the game for the other bonus campaign triumph hoping that would work but the achievement still would not unlock. I then changed accounts from the title screen, then signed back in to my main acct, started a game of Progear, and the achievement popped.
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    GR34TD3STR0Y3RThe stack of coins is not showing up for any of my games.
    Posted by GR34TD3STR0Y3R on 31 Jan 22 at 09:55
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