Raiden Fighters Aces

Raiden Fighters Aces

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Boss Rush: Raiden Fighters achievement in Raiden Fighters Aces

Boss Rush: Raiden Fighters

Complete Boss Rush Mode in Raiden Fighters (with Continues, any difficulty)

Boss Rush: Raiden Fighters0

How to unlock the Boss Rush: Raiden Fighters achievement

  • Bastian ReaderBastian Reader
    20 Oct 2020 20 Oct 2020 20 Oct 2020
    Pretty easy achievement since you will have unlimited continues and can play on practice mode where enemies do not shoot (but they can crash into you and kill you).

    First click on Raider Fighters 1 (you have an option for Raiden Fighters Jet, Raiden Fighters 1, and Raiden Fighters 2. Then click on Arcade and input the following settings.

    Game Start: 1P Start
    Stage Type: Fixed 1-2-3-4-5
    Game Mode: Boss Rush
    Difficulty: Practice
    Medal: On
    Credits: Free Play

    Now you will go through each of the boss battles. Just be on the lookout for fighter jet/obstacles which can crash into you and kill you. If you die and run out of lives just press continue and you’ll get more lives.
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