Raiden Fighters Aces

Raiden Fighters Aces

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Bonus Chain achievement in Raiden Fighters Aces

Bonus Chain

Raise the power of your Bonus Chain to the maximum (only in Raiden Fighters Jet)

Bonus Chain0

How to unlock the Bonus Chain achievement

  • iMaginaryyiMaginaryy
    31 Aug 2016 31 Aug 2016
    This is for creating a maximum bonus combo in Raiden Fighters Jet,

    which is earned by stringing quick shot combos which are quick kills on larger enemies as they enter the screen.

    This is most easily achieved on the sky type level (sim 35?), I believe you need x9 but I lost track as that level gets a bit hectic there.

    this is seemingly not earned by the floating point pickups, so don't worry about those.
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