Raiden Fighters Aces

Raiden Fighters Aces

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Must...keep...playing... achievement in Raiden Fighters Aces


Racked up 48 hours of gameplay (any game, mode or difficulty)


How to unlock the Must...keep...playing... achievement

  • JermamiahJermamiah
    13 Jul 2018 13 Jul 2018
    - Between all three games|
    - ANY mode: Training, Arcade, Score Attack, XBox Live
    - TURBO controller HIGHLY recommended

    You may get this one on your own if you're going for the 50m or 100m score achievements, but if you just want to get this one or the other time-related achievements with minimal effort, there are two easiest ways, depending on your setup:

    A) WITH a Turbo Controller
    1) Set up 'training mode' of the first stage of Raiden Fighters 2, set
    difficulty to Practice, and enemy fire to 0%
    2) Turbo the A button and keep it stuck it down with something (I
    used sticky (blue) tack, and it usually stuck down just fine for
    several hours)
    *The A button keeps you firing and once you finish the stage the A button
    will start the stage over again

    *As 'Matty to tha G' stated in the 96 hour solution, the benefit of this level is that it will also net you the Miclus Hunter achievement, as there is one that appears in your path during the stage :)

    B) WITHOUT a Turbo Controller
    1) It's not revolutionary or thrilling, but the best way I've found is to do step 'A1' above,
    but also make sure your lives are set to 99
    2) With 99 lives, you'll sail through the stage not firing anything, still picking up the
    Miclus - and you'll spend more time at the boss than you normally would. I'd hoped
    you might sit at him forever, but he dies eventually
    3) 'All you have to do' is hit the A button a couple times every now and then to reset the
    next level. It isn't fast or fully automated, but can at least be accomplished while doing
    something else
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